Grow Better with Biology

Grow Better with Biology

Diverse biology is acknowledged in organic horticulture as one of the most critical components of plant health and nutrient density. There are many ways to introduce biology to a growing system, and a variety of benefits that you can achieve with different products. For organic growers, often their first choice for organically adding microbes is compost. However, there are so many advanced liquid biologicals swimming around, is compost still the best choice for your soil? With such a wide range of options for growing in a biologically-minded way, we’re here to help you discover the ideal amendment program for your needs.

Our Activated Compost contains a microbially-rich base of composted plant material, which is fortified with a rock and sea mineral complex. The natural biology in our raw materials is concentrated and refined through our composting process, giving you a healthy and diverse population of biology. The organic matter in compost can do more than just provide a home for microbes, but can completely transform soil. Soils that are full of sand or clay are mainly lacking in organic matter, which is the loamy aspect of soil that makes plant growth possible. Compost can not only supply nutrients and microbes, but has the potential to improve the overall quality and structure of your soil. Growers working with hoop houses can recondition their soil easily with a broadcast application of compost. Greenhouse growers can use Activated Compost to give seedling trays and transplant mixes a second life, reviving the nutrients and organic matter that are naturally consumed during the growth process.


For growers looking to work with a liquid program, our BIOACTIVE line of liquid products is easy to apply, and designed to support a biologically diverse soil ecosystem. It consists of our BIOACTIVE LiquiLife, BIOACTIVE LiquiLife+, BIOACTIVE Liquid Supercharger, and our classic BIOACTIVE Supercharger. BIOACTIVE LiquiLife and BIOACTIVE LiquiLife+ are broad-spectrum liquid biologicals that supply diverse microbes. Adding microbiology to your existing nutrient program can support nutrient uptake, allowing you to get more out of the inputs you rely on, while applying less. Microbes are responsible for nutrient exchange between plants and the soil. When your soil has a low, or limited microbial population, your plants will experience signs of stress and nutrient deficiency, even when you have a comprehensive nutrient program. LiquiLife and LiquiLife+ account for the microbial side of the equation. Our BIOACTIVE Supercharger, and BIOACTIVE Liquid Supercharger, are products that have been carefully formulated specifically to target and feed the microbes in your soil and in our LiquiLife products. Supplying nutrients to these microbes not only feeds your plants, but feeds the life in your soil. Whether used in overhead irrigation or a backpack sprayer, liquid biologicals can easily be incorporated into your existing plant care routine.

With all the methods for incorporating diverse biology into a growing plan, there are different considerations for which fertility program might be best for you. Activated Compost is an excellent amendment for growers looking to improve their current base mix, especially those growing in topsoil or large containers. Compost improves the quality of the soil, as well as the nutrients available. Our BIOACTIVE line, including BIOACTIVE LiquiLife and BIOACTIVE Liquid Supercharger, is perfect for growers that want to boost the biology in their growing media, and get the most out of their current fertility program. Want to build a better nutrient plan with biology? Contact us for more information!