Planting with Eugster’s Farm Market

Planting with Eugster’s Farm Market

Planting Tomatoes with Eugster’s Farm Market

Eugster’s Farm Market, located in Stoughton, WI, has a unique challenge in the timeline of their greenhouse. All plants must be out of the building by October to make way for their haunted house and waiting areas. As a certified organic farm, they trust Purple Cow Organics products to supply the necessary nutrients to keep their plants healthy and their produce fresh in both the greenhouse and out in the fields.


Photo Source: @eugstersfarmmarket on Instagram

For tomatoes in particular, Eugster’s uses our IndiCanja. This water-only growing mix provides all the starting nutrients their transplants need to get them all the way to harvest. In fact, the mix gave plants such a strong start that Eugster’s had to adjust timing after using our mix, and now plant transplants a few weeks later than they usually would. On their previous schedule, plants were ready for harvest too soon for the demand. Hear Jacob Eugster talk about the process in our video below.









 With their unique schedule in mind, Eugster’s decided to keep tomatoes in bag planters rather than transplant them directly to the soil or in a field. This also helped to keep nutrient levels stable, since planting tomatoes in the same space too many years in a row would deplete the beneficial biology within that soil. As heavy-feeder plants, the tomatoes need a bit more of a boost than the traditional potting mix provides.


Eugster’s chose the IndiCanja for their potted plants and utilizes our bread-and-butter Activated Compost across their fields. With a wide range of produce grown organically across the farm, our biology-boosting mixes and compost ensure that every plant is getting the nutrients they need. A healthy soil ensures a more beneficial growing environment, whether you’re planting heavy feeders like tomatoes and beets or light feeders like carrots and peppers.


Photo Source: @eugstersfarmmarket on Instagram

Our mixes allow for customization of fertility applications to suit your crop, schedule, and soil. IndiCanja offers water-only planting with all the starting fertility you will need. Our compost provides the biology to work with any type of fertility your grow might need. Your planting is as customizable as you need it to be with Purple Cow Organics.

To learn more, call us today!