Ready, Set, Go Start Your Seeds!

Ready, Set, Go Start Your Seeds!


Spring is officially here! We’re looking forward to sunshine and flowers, and can’t wait to get our hands dirty in the garden. Winter is perfect for letting the ground rest and making plans for the coming season, but we're sick of the cold and ready for warmer weather. Though the Spring Equinox doesn’t mean everything is warm and sunny, we know that better weather is on the way, and it’s almost time for Spring planting. Getting your seeds started is the perfect way to drive into the season, so start your engines and let’s get growing!

There are a few key items you need for successful seedlings: a high quality growing media, light fertility for especially hungry plants, and the best tools and trays for your needs. We’re here to break down the basics of what you need to get ready for the season!

 A high quality growing media is one of the determining factors for stronger and happier plants. Germinating plants have incredibly specific needs, and you need a blend that not only feeds your plants, but supports their growth and development up to the point of planting. Our Seed Starter Mix is a premium compost-based growing media, designed to optimize germination and emergence for your seeds. Seedlings can be tricky to maintain, which is why we carefully crafted a blend of compost, peat, and perlite to support success. The balance of moisture retention and wicking action is perfect for keeping roots hydrated without drowning them. This blend is inoculated with a rock and sea mineral complex, offering a complete spectrum of nutrients that plants need to grow strong root systems. Seed Starter Mix contains 45 days of fertility, giving you the nutrients you need for your best Spring yet.

 This may seem obvious, but when growing with a high quality Seed Starting Mix, you need a way to keep the soil stable to support plant growth. From plastic seedling trays, to biodegradable peat moss cups, there are many options you can consider for getting your plants ready. Our favorite method for settling seeds into this premium mix, is by making soil blocks!

Soil blocks have a host of benefits for getting your seeds started, and even though they take some time and practice to put together, there’s no better way to celebrate the opening of the Spring season! Check out this video for a tutorial from our expert Steve Stumbras on how to get your own soil blocks started for Spring!

Supporting seedlings in the early days of their growth is easy with a water-only mix like our Purple Cow Seed Starter Mix. However, seedlings can often need some extra support later in their growing season, especially just before, or at, planting. Provide these budding plants with nutrients and beneficial microbes to grow strong roots and become better transplants. BioActive Supercharger is a micronized blend of kelp and humates, containing diverse essential nutrients that are immediately available to your plants. Pair this amendment with Purple Cow CX-1, a diverse liquid biological concentrate that works with your seedlings to make nutrients more available. You can also apply a light pinch of our granular All-Purpose Fertilizer for a dose of slow-release nutrients that feeds and supports development through transplanting!

For questions on soil blocks, seed starting, or getting ready for Spring, don't hesitate to contact us here!