IndiCanja V.S. Crafter's Mix

IndiCanja V.S. Crafter's Mix

One of the most critical aspects of growing successful crops, is a high-quality growing media. Without healthy soil, plants don’t have a rich base of nutrients and biology to support strong growth and development. Of the soil mixes in our retail line, there are two products available that have been specially designed to bring the best results to both professional and recreational growers. IndiCanja is our water-only soil blend, formulated to take the guesswork out of growing. Crafter’s Mix is the newest soil mix in our retail line, and allows growers to craft a custom nutrition plan for their plants. There are different benefits to both blends, meaning that growers can select a mix based on their needs and specifications.


Purple Cow IndiCanja is a water-only supersoil, designed to contain all the necessary nutrients for heavy-feeding plants to go from seedling to harvest without any additional inputs. This soil mix contains a combination of slow and quick release fertility inputs, providing the nutrients that plants need, as they need them. This supersoil is a living media, meaning that it’s flush with a diverse population of beneficial bacteria and fungi. IndiCanja is not designed to be used with other fertility inputs, but can be amended with Purple Cow CX-1 and BioActive Supercharger to rejuvenate the soil’s natural biology over time, and continue making the existing fertility in IndiCanja more available.


Crafter’s Mix is our newest premium growing blend, designed for experienced growers who prefer to craft their own nutrition programs. Crafter’s Mix is compatible for any biologically friendly inputs, meaning growers can use any of their favorite amendments to customize their grow. Where IndiCanja is the perfect choice for growers that want a water-only mix, Crafter’s Mix is ideal for growers that want a fully amendable soil which provides the perfect blend of organic material and drainage to support strong root growth. This mix is a natural and organic media that can be used to grow with indoor or outdoor conditions, and supports organic or synthetic growing systems.


So, which mix is the best? That all depends on the needs of the grower! IndiCanja is perfect for both beginner and expert growers who want to streamline their process by removing guesswork. Crafter’s Mix is perfect for growers who want the ideal base media to develop a fully customized blend. Both mixes are made from high quality, OMRI-Listed materials, which supports a clean grow, no matter what you use.  

To try out Crafter’s Mix, IndiCanja, or the rest of the Purple Cow Organics cannabis care line, reach out to one if our sales representatives for more information!