Biological Digestion of Crop Residue September 05, 2024Amy Ziegler The biological digestion of crop residue can help farmers in several important ways, BIOACTIVE LiquiLife™ this fall can be the first step to help ensure success next season.
Why are farmers turning to biologicals for their winter wheat? August 08, 2024Amy Ziegler Nitrogen efficiency is about the type, placement, timing, and quantity. During tough years of drought, flood, and everything in between, biology can be the difference between getting top dollar and...
The Impact of Biology on Potassium and Phosphorus Availability June 27, 2024Amy Ziegler Purple Cow Organics' Sales Consultant and certified agronomist Joel Clifton took some time to write out his thoughts and research on potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) availability.
Case Study: Josh Kroeplien's Fertility Programs Flourish with Biology May 30, 2024Amy Ziegler One of our customers, Josh Kroeplien from Fly by Acres Ag Services, LLC, saw his high-profile 700-acre farm increase yield by 10% from the efficiencies brought about by using a...
Modes of Biological Action/Protection April 25, 2024Amy Ziegler Maintaining or re-establishing a biological balance can help crops survive and/or thrive in their natural environments. It may be the unintended consequences of the inputs and practices employed over decades that...
Liquid Biologicals Improve Nitrogen Efficiency April 02, 2024Nichole Doolittle Key Results: Increased margins Increased yield Decreased total applied Nitrogen needed Summary Agri-Tech Consulting from Whitewater, WI performed a trial with Purple Cow Organics' BIOACTIVE LiquiLife (formerly CX-1) and BIOACTIVE...
Guest Post: Soil Biological Health and Increased Nutrient Cycling March 18, 2024Nichole Doolittle In agriculture, organic matter plays a crucial role in soil health. Organic matter only accounts for 5 percent of most agricultural soils. This tiny percent of your soil's structure is...
Community Chats: Talking with Industry Leaders January 16, 2024Nichole Doolittle The agricultural industry is transforming with regenerative agriculture practices quickly gaining ground among conventional and organic farmers. Many farmers have been left with questions regarding the efficacy and benefits of...
Farm Trial: Josh Hiemstra on Improving Fertility Efficiency December 11, 2023Nichole Doolittle We are passionate about the success of our local farmers, which is why we take such an incredible level of care in developing our products. Josh Hiemstra, a local leader...
Crop Residue - Opportunity or Limiting Factor? November 09, 2023Nichole Doolittle Harvest - The end of the season for some. For others, it’s another step in the continuous cycle of farming. The change in season brings one universal factor to every...
Biology's Role in Grower Success October 07, 2023Nichole Doolittle Broad-spectrum biologicals are capable of improving return on investment in many ways. From increasing yield and nutrient density, to improving plant health and resilience, supporting the natural nutrient cycle in...
Foliar Applications: When and Why? September 09, 2023Nichole Doolittle “My crops need help NOW!” What’s the best time to supply additional nutrients to crops? Farmers looking to boost their ROI with mid-season nutrient applications often face this question. When...