Supersacks: Choose your Growing Media!

Supersacks: Choose your Growing Media!

With the rise in water-only soil mixes geared towards growers, many have experimented with the benefits of using nutrient dense soils. Some growers love the convenience of a soil blend where you ‘just-add-water’ and grow. Other growers have developed an excellent fertility program for their current grows, and are looking for an organic soil blend they can use to push their grows even further. Purple Cow Organics has soil blends for grow operations big and small, with soil mixes that make growing as hands free, or involved, as you need.

If you know Purple Cow, you’ve probably heard of, or even experimented with, IndiCanja. Purple Cow IndiCanja is a living soil blend, designed to take cannabis from seedling to harvest with no other inputs necessary. However, IndiCanja is far from a one-trick-soil; peppers, tomatoes, marigolds, and any other heavy feeding plants find a happy home in this rich mix. IndiCanja is a ‘just-add-water’ blend, containing a diversity of quick and slow-release fertility inputs, nutrients, minerals, and biology, that feed your plants what they need, when they need it. IndiCanja is OMRI-Listed, and supports the goal of growers that are looking to cultivate cleanly grown cannabis, and organically derived produce. If you’re looking for an all-in-one, IndiCanja is the perfect choice for you! After your first harvest, the fertility in the soil mix will be somewhat depleted. You will be left with an excellent base of organic material to start your next grow, but you may want to run a soil test to see what nutrients have been depleted, and to find the best ways to bring back the nutrition you need. Even with the consideration of replacing your soil mix, IndiCanja is still an excellent choice for the ease it provides with caring for your plants.

Transplant Mix is another fantastic choice for growing all manner of plants, especially if you like to add amendments to your soil mix. Transplant Mix is an all-natural and organic growing media with incredible water retention capabilities. It contains enough fertility to get your grow started, but is light enough that you can amend with your own fertility program! Made with our organic compost, Transplant Mix contains a large and diverse quantity of beneficial microbes, helping to make your nutritional inputs more available. With Transplant Mix, you can learn how to build a nutritional plan, or take your existing fertility program a step further with our rich organic base. Growing with Transplant Mix requires understanding the different nutritional needs your plants have, and finding a feeding schedule that works for you. Though this mix contains some fertility to help jumpstart your grow, you will need to build a feeding schedule around your plant’s needs.

If you’re interested in the benefits that Transplant Mix and IndiCanja can bring to your grow, but don’t know which blend is right for you, we can help! Contact us here for more information.