This season is probably the most fun for us humans, with pumpkin patches aplenty and leaf piles whispering, “Come on, you know you want to jump in.” For our outdoor plant pots and our gardens, however, it can be the most stressful season. The days are getting shorter, and plants must work extra hard to produce food and gather the nutrients they need. Thankfully, there are many easy ways to help your plants, and your soil, stay healthy without having to work hard.
The mums and the summer flower basket you have sitting on your porch are starting to fade a little bit as the days get colder. There are some easy fixes you can implement that can perk up your flowers and keep them bright and vibrant through the end of the season. Give them a helpful boost using Purple Cow Organics Vegetable Supercharger, which can be mixed with water, to add microbes and nutrients to the soil. You can even mix the Vegetable Supercharger with our CX-1 to give your plants an extra kick! Add some Activated Compost on top of your potted plant’s soil to bring an extra dose of trace minerals and microbes to your plant. If your indoor houseplants are looking a little strained with the changing of the seasons, you can use the Vegetable Supercharger and some CX-1 to help them flourish as well. Our products are plant-based, so you don’t have to worry about the inside of your house smelling like a farm.
Your outdoor garden beds need a bit of extra care before you put them to rest for the year. There are a variety of things you can do to help your garden stay healthy through the winter! Be sure to cut back any dead stalks, branches, or leaves to make room for spring growth. Remove any annual plants that are no longer flowering. All of this waste can be used in a compost pile or can be turned in to a local compost center. Next, make sure you spread some Activated Compost on top of your garden to bring nutrients back into the soil. You can then plant a cover crop, such as clover, peas, rye, or winter wheat, to lock in those nutrients and provide some extra structure to your soil. If you don’t want to do the work that goes into planting and harvesting a new crop, however, you can also use dead leaves or straw to add organic material to your gardens and flowerbeds during the winter.
The fall season is great for lawncare. You’re done mowing and tending to it, right? Well, not quite. As the summer fades and the frost sets in, your lawn will start to turn brown and get a little crunchy, which means that it needs an extra boost to grow well in the coming spring. Soil that is sandy or has a high clay content can be stripped of water and nutrients easily, which means that you’ll need to provide some organic materials to soak up water and deposit nutrients over the long winter season. High-quality compost, such as our Activated Compost, helps to protect the soil by feeding nutrients quickly, and providing a rich layer of absorbent organic material. 1-2 bags of compost per 1000 square feet of lawn is all you need to prep your lawn for the season to come.
Fall is a gorgeous season to enjoy, with the colors of nature and the coming holidays. Make sure to help your plants celebrate with you, and give your garden the boost it needs to snuggle up for the winter season.
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