2022 Agri-Tech Consulting Corn Starter/Side-dress Trial (WI)

2022 Agri-Tech Consulting Corn Starter/Side-dress Trial (WI)

Key Results

  • Nitrogen reduction
  • Profit increase
  • Identified uptake limits


The 2021 Agri-Tech Corn Trial protocols were designed to use carbon and biology in lieu of a chemical fertility event (in-furrow or side-dress). The 2022 protocols were designed to use carbon and biology in conjunction with a liquid Nitrogen application to first help reduce leaching, and second, to enhance uptake. Biology came in the form of our broad-spectrum biological LiquiLife+ (formerly CXPro), which includes nanotechnology.

The key metric for this study was applied Nitrogen to bushels harvested. This metric could be very beneficial for all farmers and is not difficult to record. Simply, document the amounts of Nitrogen applied and compare to the bushels that are harvested. Understanding this metric can assist in moving toward better corn, more corn, and a healthier farming system. 


All trials received 90 lb/acre 11-52-0 (previous fall), 200 lb/acre 0-0-62 (previous fall), and an in-furrow of 6-24-6 at 5 gal/acre.



Product Inputs

Control/High Yielding Program



45 gal/acre UAN 2DAP

(2 days after planting)

Treatment A

66% N, Carbon & Biology

30 gal/acre UAN

1.5 gal LL+

3 gal liquid carbon/acre

(2 days after planting)

Treatment B

50% N, Carbon & Biology

22.5 gal/acre UAN

1.5 gal LL+

3 gal liquid carbon/acre

(2 days after planting)



This trial helped to establish the limits of biology and applied Nitrogen in comparison to yield. Treatment B cut the applied Nitrogen down to 50% which had a net profit decrease in the end. 





149 (0.66 N/bu)


Treatment A (profit increase)

104 (0.47 N/bu)


Treatment B (profit decrease)

81.5 (0.41 N/bu)



Click here to view the full trial data.